Ancient Art and Ritual Erin Woodbridge

 As I was reading Harrison I fell in love with her chapter on the Spring Festival. Just the idea that there was so much art and beauty all in one place, with all the tragedies performed. The writings of Aristotle discussing this festival only serve to greater illuminate the beauty on display. When she further delves into this ritual of a Dithyramb, I wish I could be transported back in time to take it all in. She writes of its beauty and the simplicity in it and I fell more in love. I love the idea of beauty being shown in the simplicity of a piece of art. It also gives me a whole new appreciation for an artist when I find the beauty in something simple, as that truly shows the skills the artist possesses. I think I also have a greater appreciation for art on the whole as I couldn't make something artistic if my life depended on it. I wonder what it would have been like to be there and take in all the scenes around me, it is such a full body experience from how she describes it. The way she writes of this experience reminds me of how I thought through describing my three beautiful moments for this class introduction piece and it makes me think whether my beautiful moments could ever live up to this festival. 


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