My Encounters with Beauty (INTRO) Erin Woodbridge


  1. I encountered beauty when I watched the waves crash against the sand on the Long Island Sound. The sun had just started to set, and the waves were rhythmically hitting the sand, causing the sand to darken in color as I watched. Another time I have encountered beauty is when I saw my cousin enter the church for her wedding, all dressed up and beaming with excitement and anticipation. The pure joy on her face was quite the sight to behold. My final example of encountering beauty is watching the sun melt into the horizon as it dips down for the night. The difference colors this moment creates are striking and are one of my favorite things to take in.

  2.  I saw the waves and thought about how freeing it would be to have the life of a wave, calm one minute and raging the next. The spontaneity is something to admire. I watched my cousin and felt like I was in her shoes, she was so emotive and open it was easy to empathize with her and taking in all her joy as well. The sun setting always makes me feel so warm on the inside, so safe in that moment. 

  3. Beauty manifests itself for me in these encounters in many ways. In the waves beauty is shown in the movement of the water and the tranquility that comes with it. My cousin in her dress is beauty, not only seen in her gown, but in the emotions on her face, it was evident that her love was infinite in that moment. The sunsets offer us the opportunity to take in all the warm colors and feelings, and I think that sense of safety and warmth is where the beauty lies.


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