Wilderness as Art Erin Woodbridge

 In reading through excerpts of Wilderness as Art, I was struck by the way that nature was written in a way that truly personified every aspect of a forest. It made me see nature as people all mixing together as opposed to as the inanimate objects they actually are. Landscape art has never been a category of art that I have sought out before, but as I was reading through this I would often take breaks to look up the artists being discussed. I was in awe of what they are able to do with just some paint and a paintbrush. It makes me feel as if I am in the painting itself, with all the attention to details, it is as if I can see every leaf. Even in just reading what these artists had to say about nature made me appreciate the world around me so much more, the beauty of the words alone transports you into a different state entirely. I noticed as I was starting to read this piece that I would plan when I would read around what were my most stressful times of day. Even in reading about the beauty of nature gave me a sense of calm that was desperately needed while trying to get through a school week.


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