Lions Bridge Class Erin Woodbridge

 At the beginning of this week we had the opportunity to go to the lions bridge and have class outside and take in the sunset. We started class off examining the statue at the Mariners Museum that depicted the founder of the shipyard. It was a very ornate piece with so much shown in it. The bottom showed the four disciplines (math, literature, art, and science) with Greek styled male statues dressed only in a sheet. Then the top changes completely and depicts who we are led to believe is the founder wrangling a horse. In wrangling this horse it shows him taming the wild, bringing together all the elements of work to create the shipyard. In order for him to have succeeded he needed to be able to tame that wild side and create a business. After we analyzed the statue for awhile we got to go and look out onto the James River as the sun began to set and really painted the whole sky. The beautiful backdrop to our discussion on nature all felt like it fit. The environment for our discussion really fueled the discussion more than I think being in our classroom would have. The stimulation offered in being out of the classroom really worked in our favor, as I felt like that class was so productive and the conversation really just flowed.


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