Molecular Gastronomy - Nikola Kalapasev

Food is something that most humans can instantly recognize from past stimuli: smell, look, and ultimately taste. Using differing techniques to generate experimental and revolutionary culinary designs using chemistry is the backbone of molecular gastronomy. Seeming almost alien, these lab-esque edible delights are created and presented in mystical fashion. The biggest draw towards hibachi restaurants like Benihana is the fact that the chef is cooking your meal right in front of you, but the magic behind gastronomy is the almost scientist level chefs using ingenuity to chemically create beautifully vibrant spheres that explode in your mouth and taste like the best soup you've ever had in your life. I think its beautiful how there are master chefs who can cook the most wonderful tasting dish you've ever had in your life, and there are master chefs that are borderline chemists creating the most wonderful tasting packing peanut you've ever tasted. In their own ways, they are both artists and create masterpieces at the end of the day. I have yet to experience culinary gastronomy, but it is definitely on my bucket list and I recommend that it be on yours too.


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