Lion's Gate Bridge - Nikola Kalapasev

For the first time in my college career, a professor decided to hold class in somewhere other than a classroom. Obviously this was awesome to hear, but nothing could have prepared me for the actual experience. Upon arrival, your nose was greeted with the warm scents of fall blooming in the shadow of the summers retreating warmth. Shuffling through grass that greets you at the shin, you could see a large bellowing statue of someone near the bridge. The large scale of the man using all of his might and power to subdue the wild horse that he had on his tame, you could see the ferocity and struggle through the sculpture almost immediately. We discussed the statue a little bit, and did some epistemologic investigations into its origin. However what stuck to me more was what followed our discussion about the statue. As a group we moved onto the grass near the water bank to witness the sunset behind the horizon in front of us. In the distance you could see a blinding sphere of magnificent scale and color slowly digress into its home for the night. The sky almost igniting with colors spewing from the belly of the helios, making the sky reach end to end in a medley of orange, red, purple, and blue. All I remember is my train of thought being cut off while a story was being told, and only thinking about the grand scale of the universe and my part in it. Above all else, it was incredibly aesthetically beautiful. A majestic philosophy professor being encompassed by the sea of colors around him, it was almost tear worthy. Definitely one of my favorite and more memorable classes. 


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