On Music - Julia Allen

 In class when we discussed music, there was one quote that really stood out to me: "Music is the language from the abyss, pure metaphysics". I love the idea that music is an otherworldly form of communication that emotes in ways that are difficult to even put into words. It's the same way that dance is an art form of pure bodily expression, you can't capture its essence in a still image or in a description, it hits upon the deepest feelings within your being. There were three points we discussed that I didn't fully understand:

  • Bass notes analogous to inorganic nature (rocks)

  • Harmonies analogous to animal world

  • Melodies analogous to human world

I don't fully understand the why behind these three assertions, but I may have missed that. I like the idea that the music is world building so the bassline is inorganic matter in the same way that rocks are the base of the ground we stand on, and then you add nature and wilderness that grow from the soil and have lived here prior to people, and then after that you had the human world because it came last and depends on the other two to exist. However, I'm not completely certain that that is the reason behind it, that is just what I felt when I saw this analogy.


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