On a Pale Horse

 The book On a Pale Horse, by Piers Anthony, stands as one of the most definitive texts of my existence. It views forces of nature–death, nature, time, fate–as jobs or offices that human beings embody until their term is done. This story follows Zane, who takes on the mantle of Death. Despite the bleak nature of the book, you would be surprised at how charming it is. The whole story embodies that Zane, who had tried to kill himself in the first chapter, was significant. His life had felt like a waste, and yet, with the introduction of a single opportunity, Zane became one of the most valuable beings in existence. It revealed to me the importance of opportunity, and it emphasized the lesson to never give up on yourself because a bad day is just that: a day. 24 hours. Life is full of extreme highs and lows, and sometimes we can struggle to find the value in existence during those low periods. However, you never know what opportunities might be coming your way tomorrow, what beautiful experiences lie ahead. I believe that the lessons I learned from this book in many ways compliment what I have learned in this class about the significance of finding purpose and beauty in life – showing gratitude for the little things and practicing patience in the search for beauty have been extremely influential on my overall sense of happiness.


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