Pollock Film

 The film presented in class on Jackson Pollock brought forth a variety of questions, emotions, and an overall fascination in the relationship between art and internal conflict. In Pollock, we saw what could only be described as an artist’s discovery of his personal style in the midst of a downward spiral. As a result of his struggles with alcoholism, Pollock was unable to maintain a stable life or stable relationships. The only thing he seemed to care about was his art, which is in some ways beautiful. It also raises questions for me about the role that internal conflict plays on art, especially since Pollock became so famous as an abstract painter. It seems evident that his internal struggles led him to rely on art as a form of self expression, and thus, he could not damage his art the same way he damaged his relationships with himself and others. It is often said that the best artists suffered from mental illness or addiction. Great art is certainly not dependent on internal struggle; however, I believe this belief is held for a reason because some of the most powerful artists are those who are able to capture strong emotions through their work. I believe a possible reason for why we appreciate this aspect of art is because we seek validation and expression of our own emotions, and art provides an outlet for those emotions to be felt or released.


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