The Power of the Name - Julia Allen

 When we were discussing magic, we discussed the power of naming things as a way to control them as well as bring them into being. One example that came up was when Moses meets God at the burning bush and wants to know God’s name, but God says no I am what I am. I have always been fascinated by the power of the name, and one primary example that I could think of is that of Doctor Who. In the show, no one knows his name because his name would be used to control him, and his power is almost limitless. There is lore in that too with controlling demons or otherworldly beings to have power. It's not the same with humans and I wonder why. Knowing each other's name does not grant us power over one another, is this because we are without otherworldly powers? Why should it be any different for powerful beings, who are so much more powerful than we are but can be controlled by a name? It's hard to understand.


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